Francois Vautier is an international virtual artist & film director with a body of works presented by cultural institutions and contemporary art spaces in Paris, New York, Shanghai, Taipei including most recently Venice International Film Festival, 2020.
Contemporary artist, film director, screen writer
French he is living and working in Paris, where his studio and team are producing virtual reality short movies and art installations:
Anthropology of the Evolution, 2017
I saw the Future, 2016
Odyssey 1,4,9, 2019
Recoding Entropia, 2020
As well as commissioned projects including collaboration with European cultural Channel Arte, Canal+, Kering Group and Hall des Lumières ( Paris, New York) .
Vautier is an «hybride creator» inspired by Master film director Stanley Kubrick’s futuristic aesthetic, screen writer Arthur C Clark, our iconic author Jules Verne, as well his education in biology and fascination for a deep exploration of the universe infinite possibility and the transformation of human life within.
He just recently directed a first «long métrage virtual reality» movie «Champs de Bataille», 2023
Innovation is the center of Vautier’s multi faceted creation, engaging with new processes of shooting in his virtual studio to produce virtual reality movies and conceptual pieces deeply rooted in a poetical sensoriality made of light, texture and unlimited spaces.
This immersive virtual experience of Vautier’s virtual art translates to physical installation engaging with a trans-generational public fascinated by the aesthetic of his creation but also by his personal «feel» on anthropological narrative.