
Culture of the Future

Society faces a profound choice and a profound shift as it confronts the threat of cross-cultural collision and a world often at odds with itself. This tension signals the need for transformative behavior and innovative technologies to encourage collaborative thinking and potentially resolve or at least utilize social and political fault lines. Splashers, as it turns out, like a certain amount of turbulence and the opportunity to surf over or through instability, all of which is also a call for creative change. 

Shaping the culture of the future is at the center of Splashlight.

A hybrid transversal approach defines Splashlight’s customized and intuitive thinking and one powered by data science.  A creative hub is at the center of the Splasher community and clients, providing innovative team resources and accessible educational and learning tools.

SPL’s future is built on pillar points to create purpose-driven Culture.

Commerce, Entertainment, Wellness + Luxury define new markets.

The New SPL pushes boundaries to create an innovative landscape by reimaging a new transversal marketplace defined by a new generation of consumers.

Defining new marketplace categories that deliver impactful creative intelligence and focused data science is crucial, especially in connection to utilizing society’s rapid transformation. 

The living ecosystem is based on a foundation of commonly shared values with the goal of   building a better future. This ecosystem represents a solid base, including the potential for an inter-connected community.

Connected by shared values, this vital ecosystem is based on the simple idea of “making our future better for the next generation,” and represents a strong community and one that’s ready to push boundaries and produce meaningful, highly customized and impactful content for all cultural arenas.

Creative Intelligence and Data Science.

Human Power, i.e. Talent Recruitment and Education, Te
chnology and Equipment 

Commerce (Omnipresent marketplace, Metaverse) and Culture (i.e. Acquisition of physical and virtual objects ). Cross-pollination. Sensoriality. Entertainment. Experience.

We live and function in a market driven world that uses hyper-sensorial technologies to reveal the Know and the Why of products, objects and services in daily life, as well as the Know and the Why of extraordinary purchases.

Commerce and Entertainment are intimately connected and co-dependent. The public, and especially consumers of major brands, expect to be entertained. Virtual societies and gaming culture has transformed the norms of marketing.  Pleasure-driven experiences or high-touch experiences belong to the ritual of transaction and consumerism, in particular with hype brands, cultural enterprises and Haute Living industries. We access data through the touch of a screen and also respond to data through its look and feel.

SPL acknowledges the omnipresence of the marketplace replacing short-term (two or three years) online commerce cycles, an  overlapping of hybrid retail, and the repositioning of the DNA and function of the physical retail and online retail experience.

Consumerism is not only  acquisition and consumption driven. Being a consumer opens new ways to engage with  society’s political, social, and cultural transformation and tensions. Everything and everyone is accessible with fewer filters or “in-between” agents.

On a micro and a macro level, Wellness represents a way of living, working, and consuming. The acknowledgment and identification of customized expectations and needs are essential to build a consumer trust on a daily basis. On a macro level, wellness represents an ethical state of living, offering the possibility of delivering a better world  for future generations.